Department of Computer  Engineering

The Department of Computer  Engineering as well as the department of Information Technology was established in the year 2011.The Department has strong administration, infrastructure and dedicated team of Faculty. The department is well equipped with excellent computing facilities, and has highly qualified faculty specialized in areas like Image Processing, Networking, VLSI design, Data Mining, Software Engineering etc. Our mission is to support the Vision of Sandipani Technical Institute and become oriented in developing the students with academic excellence and professional approach. To achieve this, the staff is continually striving to create an environment conductive for the student to assimilate the best engineering practices, Technical Skills and social values.

Departmental Vision

To generate competent professionals to become part of the industry and research organizations at the national and international level towards betterment of society.

Departmental Mission

  1. Providing a strong theoretical and practical background across the computer science discipline with an emphasis on software development.
  2. Imparting the skills necessary to continue education to grow professional.
  3. Empowering the youth in rural communities with computer education.
  4. Inculcating professional behavior, strong ethical values, innovative research capabilities and leadership abilities.
Programmes Run By The Department:
Degree offered:B.Tech. (Computer Engineering)
Duration:4 Years
Entry Level:10+2 (HSC+CET/AIEEE) 

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

PEO1To provide knowledge of sound mathematical principles underlying various programming concepts.
PEO2To develop an ability to understand complex issues in the analysis, design, implementation and operation of information systems.
PEO3To provide knowledge of mechanisms for building large-scale computer-based systems
PEO4To develop an ability to provide computer-based solutions to the problems from other disciplines of science and engineering
PEO5To impart skills necessary for adapting rapid changes taking place in the field of information and communication technologies.
PEO6To provide knowledge of ethical issues arising due to deployment of information and communication technologies in the society on large scale.

Programme Outcomes (PO)

PO1The graduates will possess the knowledge of various discrete mathematical structures, Logic and numerical techniques.
PO2The graduates will have an ability to apply mathematical formalism of Finite Automata and Probability in modeling and analysis of systems.
PO3The graduates will have knowledge of core programming paradigms such as database orientation, object orientation, and agent orientation and concepts essential to implement software based system.
PO4The graduates will have an ability to analyze problem, specify algorithmic solutions to them and to evaluate alternative solutions.
PO5The graduate will have broad understanding of the impact of a computer based solutions in economic, environmental and social context and will demonstrate use of analytical tools in gathering requirements and distilling relevant information to provide computer based solutions.
PO6The graduates will demonstrate the ability to build human centric interfaces to computers
PO7The graduates will posses the knowledge of advanced and emerging topics in the fields of operating systems, databases and computer networks.
PO8The graduates will posses skills necessary to communicate design engineering ideas. The skills set include verbal, written and listening skills.
PO9The graduates will understand ethical issues in providing computer based solutions also they will have an ability and attitude to address the ethical issues.
PO10The graduates will understand the role of system software such as operating systems, database management systems, compilers, middle-ware and internet protocols in realizing distributed information environment

Program Overview:

B.Tech In Computer Engineering:

Affiliated ToDurationAcademic YearIntakeCurriculum
DBATU 4 years, Full Time2 Semesters Each60Sem I – VIII